Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Faces of Innocence Art Instillation at our school

I have been working with the Besharat Art foundation for their generous photography exhibition donation in our school. The series is titled, "Faces of Innocence" and is captured by National Geographic photographer, Steve McCurry. You can read more about the foundation here:

Besharat Arts Foundation Inc. donated 60 enlarged photographs on blown-up canvas and framed prints for exhibition in Moretown school. All of the featured photographs are from the Faces of Innocence collection shot by the renowned photographer Steve McCurry. This project exposes the children to life and cultures in different parts of the world and by educating the children that despite the superficial differences in people, everyone is the same on the inside. The daily contact with the photograph installations in the hallways and classrooms will promote discussion and empathy towards others in the young children attending the Moretown school.

Our current gallery on display: 

"FACES OF INNOCENCE:  We have chosen dramatic portraits of children from around the world by renowned National Geographic photographer, Steve McCurry, to illustrate the fundamental commonalities we all have in common. Clothing and skin color may vary, but expressions of hope, joy, sadness, disappointment, and excitement are universal."

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